Providing safety, dignity and stability for children
Living in poverty exposes children to the harshest of circumstances.
Why infrastructure is so important

860 million people worldwide continue to live in slums

More than 100 million people worldwide are homeless

1.6 billion people live in inadequate shelter around the world; 1 billion of those live in informal settlements

About one in four people live in conditions that harm their health, safety, prosperity and opportunities.
Sources: UNDP; UN; UN Habitat; Habitat
Many children who are born into poverty live in unsafe and insecure places and environments—homes with no roofs, floors, sewage or electricity. Schools that are overcrowded with no access to toilets, or safe places to play. Such environments make children even more vulnerable, and their development is often affected by their challenging surroundings.
Through generous supporters, Compassion funds initiatives that make the places children go safer and stronger. These could include:
- Maintenance of the local child development centre
- Repairs to a child’s home if it is deemed unsafe
- Classroom upgrades
- Building safe play areas and playgrounds
Your support enables the improvement or replacement of inadequate and unsafe structures for children and their families. By supporting Infrastructure you are giving a gift that will have an impact for years to come.